Thursday, September 29, 2011

Doggy DNA

For my 29th birthday Bill got me the Wisdom Panel Mixed Breed DNA kit.  I had been thinking about Coco’s exact make-up for some time. Knowing that she is a chocolate lab, pit bull mix doesn’t quite satisfy my curiosity. Since I imagine her as our adopted child, we (and by “we” I mean “I”) want to know everything we can about her birth parents.  I know, in my very logical and sane brain that she is just a dog (mostly because Bill reminds me of this daily), but I can’t help but wonder about where she came from. 
I hadn’t told Bill that I wanted such a test, nor did I ever in a million years think for a second that he even knew they existed.  I was about knocked over when I found out that he ordered the kit for me.  I was touched the he knew me so well, though after being together for 9 years, I really shouldn’t be.  He’s a real sensitive kind of guy when he wants to be. His thoughtfulness was present enough, but the actual present was perfect.
After we swabbed Coco’s cheek, which was a feat, I sent away for our copy of her family tree.  It is supposed to trace back to her great-grandparents, the breed that make up her “mixed breed” DNA.  I’ve heard that these tests are far from accurate, but after doing some research online, I’m fairly confident that it was worth Bill’s money. 
It’s been 3 weeks and 2 days and I don’t think I can take another day!  Every time I look at her I think I see some other type of breed.  Yesterday, when she was looking particularly alert (her attention was fixated on what I’m pretty sure was just a squirrel), I convinced myself she is part Doberman.  I have to have some truth soon, even if it is a semi-truth!